September 19, 2023

MiMa Ingelheim „In the Sound of Numbers“

- sponsored by Midas - 

„Im Klang der Zahlen – AusgeRechnet Musik“ ("In the sound of numbers") combines mathematics with music and invites all visitors to be curious about new views.

With the motto "In the Sound of Numbers ", the participatory exhibition (MiMa) opened its doors again on July 15, 2023 in the Ingelheim market hall, celebrating its 20th anniversary. The MiMa exhibition, under the artistic direction of Katja von Puttkamer, invites young and old to interactively discover, act, try out, reflect and experience.

As in the previous year, Midas Pharma is once again sponsoring the exhibition, which relies on financial support and the dedicated efforts of volunteers. Also this time, Midas employees and their families were invited to an exclusive afternoon at the exhibition. Over delicious food and drinks, they were able to explore and try out the stations in the MiMa. The event was led by trained guides and the organisational managers Stefanie Firyn and Renata Stark. They provided interesting background information on the stations as well as helpful tips if one got stuck with the puzzle games and actively encouraged children and adults to participate.



Dirk Weidenbach, Managing Director, COO

"The visit to the MiMa exhibition was once again an absolute highlight in our Midas family calendar this year. Almost 100 interested parents and children explored the themes of music and mathematics during the visit. The good response and enthusiasm of all visitors encouraged us to support this event. At the end of the day, our "well-being officer" had provided a snack and drinks so the families had the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange ideas. Some children couldn't tear themselves away at all, so the MiMa staff couldn't close the MiMa gate until well past 8pm. We are already looking forward to next year again."

Stefanie Firyn und Renata Stark, overall management of the MiMa  exhibition Ingelheim:

"We explain the world to children. Get off the sofa and into MiMa!"

With the exhibition IM KLANG DER ZAHLEN (In the Sound of Numbers), we have put together a very special exhibition concept this year, bringing together mathematics and music, art and everyday themes to make the complex interaction of the two different subject areas universally comprehensible. Why do we need mathematics at all? Can we hear numbers, feel rhythm? How does square sound, how does round sound? There is everything for visitors young and old, from puzzling over experiments and trying things out at the 50 or so stations.

We stage the exhibits on loan from the Mathematikum in Giessen and the Mobile Music Museum in an exciting way so that all the senses are addressed and knowledge is taken home almost unnoticed. This makes the exhibition a successful overall experience for young and old alike, and visitors discover the dry subject of maths with fun and games. The focus here is on the children, the future generations. The creative exploration of a topic offers a completely new approach to the world.

As every year, this is only possible thanks to the many helpers and the generous support of Ingelheim-based companies such as Midas Pharma.
Our supporters appreciate the valuable action that is implemented by our small volunteer team with a lot of idealism and little financial means.

The success of the current exhibition speaks for itself: never before have so many visitors used the MiMa as a holiday destination. In the first 7 weeks, over 6000 visitors from near and far have already taken advantage of this unique offer here in Ingelheim.

MiMa Ingelheim - learning playfully and intuitively

"In the Sound of Numbers" lets us hear the world with new eyes. She invites visitors to become active themselves at interactive game and puzzle tables and to independently grasp and understand the rules of tones, sounds, rhythm and the harmony of patterns. In a playful way, visitors discover the connection between mathematics and music, can hear numbers and see sounds.

The room-sized objects exhibited by Ms von Puttkamer are complemented by selected objects from the Mathematikum Gießen and sound installations by Michael Bradke.

After their visit, the colleagues and their families could enthusiastically confirm that the successful MiMa concept helps visitors young and old to find a playful approach to topics from our immediate environment. Experiencing with all the senses makes complex issues understandable and tangible.

CONCLUSION: We will be back!

MiMa is open until 28 October.

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 Midas Pharma GmbH

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