July 11, 2024

Webinar: K-Health

Suggestions for business development in South Korea's healthcare industry OAV/GHA - Working Group Healthcare Industry Asia-Pacific

As a highly developed economy and technological pioneer, South Korea is an increasingly interesting business partner, particularly in the healthcare sector. This includes the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector, medical technology products, digital applications and beauty products, and South Korea is attracting attention from the specialist community with start-up initiatives and innovative products.
Where does South Korea stand in this regard and in which segments can intensified cooperation be worthwhile for German companies?


In this webinar, our colleague Ben Schalke, Senior Director, Partnering Korea, will give a practice-oriented presentation and address the following questions:

  • How is the Korean healthcare industry developing and how is South Korea's government promoting this industry?
  • What business strategies are Korean companies pursuing and how can German companies get involved in them?
  • Which up-and-coming companies and start-ups should you pay particular attention to?

If you are interested in participating, please register here.

we look forward to your numerous participation.


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Ben Schalke

Ben Schalke

Corporate Development
Senior Director International Partnering & Sourcing

Midas Pharma GmbH
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim
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