
The wheel keeps turning @ Midas: with “Jobrad” to your dream bike

Riding a bike is fun, keeps you fit and reduces stress! We at Midas think this is simply great. That is why Midas employees can lease a #JobRad at attractive conditions since August.

How it works?

  • Interested colleagues choose a desired model at their preferred bike store
  • Midas organizes the leasing
  • and there you go...

With this great benefit we not only promote the health and happiness of our employees, but also contribute to traffic relief and environmental protection!

You can find more information about bike leasing and #JobRad on the website of our cooperation partner https://www.jobrad.org/.

Your Contact

Paula Struth

Paula Struth

Human Resources
Head of Recruiting

Midas Pharma GmbH
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim
Send E-Mail

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