
New publication on the Gx Inbeneo Autoinjector

Gerresheimer and Midas Pharma have developed a novel cartridge-based autoinjector concept in which the cartridge as primary packaging is under constant pressure.

In a recently published article standard cartridge primary packaging material of five different companies were analyzed for their behavior under long-term pressure. Materials of 3 glass manufacturers and 2 manufacturers for cartridge rubber parts were considered. In addition to the influence of permanent pressure on material stability, the stability of an approved and marketed antibody drug was also investigated as part of the extensive test programme.

Read on to see the positive results under long-term pressure.

Primavessy D, Piening M, · Nightingale A,  · Jameson H,  · Latham M,  · Alexander J, · Büttner S, · Pfrang J, · Zapf A, · Oakley T, · Brutsche A, · Saaler-Reinhardt S, “Investigation of long-term pressure on primary packaging materials and a biologic drug product for injection with a novel autoinjector concept”. Drug Delivery and Translational Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s13346-024-01612-y

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Dr. Daniel Primaveßy

Dr. Daniel Primaveßy

Innovation Pharmaceuticals
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