
Leadership seminar at Midas

In order to meet the increasing requirements in today's working environment for all employees, but especially for managers, Midas has set up an internal and individually tailored management development programme.

The programme started in September 2021 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. More than 50 Midas employees have already participated, but new managers are also continuously involved in the seminar and complete the three modules with three seminar days each.

Midas pursues the following goals with the programme: Strengthening leaders in their leadership role, increasing motivation throughout the company, improving communication, consistent leadership style and uniformly living and passing on Midas' guiding values.

Dr. Jens Klusemann, industrial and organisational psychologist, leads the seminar at Midas. In this interview, he answers the most important questions and provides insights into the leadership seminar.

You can find more information about his agency here.


  • What is a leadership seminar?

    In essence, the seminars are about communicating even more effectively. How can I make sure that I really understand my conversation partners and that my conversation partners understand me? What is the best way for me to ensure that the conversation is successful and that we come up with solutions that fit the current professional issues?

  • What separates your seminars from the rest, what do you do in a different way?

    What sets us apart is science communication. I have been advising companies for 27 years, first worked at the University of Trier and did my doctorate, and in all these years I have continued to supervise courses and theses at the university. There are so many topics that are now very well researched, but are not yet used in practice because the knowledge has not yet reached the companies. What framework conditions are needed for people to achieve their goals? What framework conditions are needed so that colleagues do their work with enthusiasm? This knowledge is important if I want to support employees in achieving their goals or ensure that projects are successful. It is also very exciting to understand why people have such different realities: How is it that we systematically see our environment and our conversation partners differently than they really are? This helps enormously to improve cooperation and resolve conflicts. The topic of emotions is also very exciting and helpful: How do our emotions change our perception and our thinking? The effects are enormous, and we are usually not aware of them. Understanding these connections helps us with our self-control, so that we don't make hasty decisions that we regret afterwards, but on the contrary arrive at good, sustainable decisions.

  • How do the seminars work?

    At Midas, our seminars are not only attended by managers, but also by employees who frequently communicate with different people. In the seminars, we work on a wide variety of conversation situations, current conversations from practice and often also on communication with customers, because these are particularly important to the participants.

    Each event focuses on topics such as "Conducting effective conversations", "Successful coaching", "Changing behaviour with emotions" or "Dealing with stress in a healthy way". There is a lot of group work in which the participants acquire knowledge themselves, short input presentations in which scientifically proven models are presented and practical blocks in which we work on current cases of the participants together and apply the models and methods practically. Then we work on concrete solutions, on formulations and on concrete behaviour.

    I often get feedback that the seminars are really exciting, a lot of fun and very helpful for work. That's how it should be, enthusiasm is fertiliser for the brain.

  • What is the aim of the seminars?

    My goal is to give the participants high-quality, well-founded models and methods for thinking. The scientific models and methods we work with in the seminars are often a bit more complicated than the models the participants have worked with before. On the other hand, they are much better suited to the practical cases and make it possible to choose new, suitable approaches. The thinking models we have in our heads determine what we perceive, what we think and how effectively we act, which is why well-researched thinking models are so effective.

  • Why is a leadership seminar so important and what output do you and your clients expect?

    Good leadership has been becoming increasingly important in all companies for several years now. In my opinion, there are two main reasons for this: Firstly, the demands of employees for a healthy, supportive working environment continue to increase. This is due to demographic developments; employees today have much more choice in selecting their employer than in the past. With the help of good communication, I can create this healthy, supportive environment that I need to keep qualified and demanding employees in the company. On the other hand, effective leadership and successful communication are also a necessary condition for well-functioning work processes and thus key to the success of the company.

What is the cube about?

The cube supports the participants in applying what they have learned in everyday life. A selection of models from the seminars is printed on the cube. We have selected models that are particularly helpful in practice. The cube can be placed on the desk as a reminder of the seminar and what was learned. But it is also good to take it in your hand and use it to plan the next conversation.

  • How did you experience the seminars with the Midas colleagues?

    I enjoyed the events a lot. The participants enthusiastically absorbed the theoretical inputs and were very committed to work on the practical cases. Midas is a special client for me; the employees are particularly interested and committed. This is also shown by the quantitative results of the employee survey we conducted at Midas. I have never measured such a high level of job satisfaction with any other client.

  • Was there a special moment that you remember?

    In a final discussion, one participant reported that she had already attended many seminars for managers. Normally, a lot of things would be repeated and already known to her. This was different at our events. The models were all new to her and particularly helpful for understanding her work. In the end, it is important that the seminars offer added value for daily work. That is why I am particularly pleased when I get such feedback.

Your Contact

Paula Struth

Paula Struth

Human Resources
Head of Recruiting

Midas Pharma GmbH
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim
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