
German-Malaysian Forum: Strategies and opportunities in the healthcare sector

The German Health Alliance (GHA) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) are delighted to welcome a high-ranking delegation of business representatives from Malaysia's healthcare industry to Berlin.

The event will take place on November 15, 2024 at the BDI premises. We are honored to have Ben Schalke (Senior Director Partnering & Sourcing) in his role as Co-Chairman of the “Health in Asia” working group to moderate this event. He will also speak about the business opportunities for German companies. Midas Pharma sees great growth potential in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries and will be even more intensively involved in this region of the world in the future.

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Ben Schalke

Ben Schalke

Corporate Development
Senior Director International Partnering & Sourcing

Midas Pharma GmbH
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim
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