Blue Peace Herd at Midas Pharma

Since 2009, the blue peace herd has been on the road all over Europe to promote tolerance and peaceful coexistence. Now the Blue sheep have also found a home at Midas Pharma in Ingelheim.

The global art project was launched by artists Bertamaria Reetz and Rainer Bonk in 2009. Since 2012, the sheep have been under the patronage of the EU Parliament. Their bright blue color is the color of the EU, the UN, the Unesco as well as of Unicef and stands for the peace movement. Part of the production takes place in workplaces for people with disabilities and thus implements what is the focus of the project: Everyone is equal - everyone is important.

Five of the blue sheep now also populate the premises of Midas Pharma GmbH. Part of the proceeds will go to "in.betrieb gemeinnützige GmbH" in Ingelheim, a recognized workplace for people with disabilities.

Dirk Weidenbach, COO Midas Pharma:

"At Midas Pharma, every individual is encouraged to treat others with appreciation and respect. This attitude is firmly anchored in our corporate culture and guidelines. We see the support of tolerance and social acceptance as part of our social and societal responsibility. With the Blue Sheep, we want to make a very concrete contribution and send a clear message."

You would also like to become a shepherd? You can find information about this great project here!

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 Midas Pharma GmbH

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