
Interview with Yannis Nichtern

Yannis Nichtern talks about his experiences as an apprentice at Midas Pharma.

Yannis Nichtern talks about his experience as new trainee.

Yannis Nichtern has been part of the Midas team since November 2021. He started his career with a 2-year internship at school. After that he decided to train as an office management assistant and has been working in most of the Midas departments ever since.

How long have you been with Midas and in which area do you work?

I've been with Midas since 2021, starting with a two-year internship at school. Then started my apprenticeship as an office management assistant in 2023. The apprenticeship lasts three years, but I can shorten it and it will then last two and a half years.

How would you describe the cooperation?

Due to the large number of employees, it is not always easy to keep an overview, so it helps that I rotate through the different departments and get to know all my colleagues.

Since day 1, I have had the feeling that I belong to the company and am not labeled as an apprentice, which is mainly due to the independence and the tasks I am given. During the daily lunch break, you can meet up with colleagues for lunch or a walk.

What is important to you in your job?

It's important to me that I understand the connections and processes between the departments. Contact with colleagues is also important to me, and Midas attaches great importance to this. This is reflected in celebrations such as the summer party or Christmas party.

What are your top 3 pros at Midas?

  • There is a daily fresh lunch menu with a hot meal for a small price.
  • I can join the e-gym WELLPASS and save on expensive gym memberships.
  • There is flextime, so my free time is not too short.

Which departments, what experience, topics are you working on?

I work in most of the departments at Midas, where I can get to know a wide range of activities. This makes it easier for me to decide which department I would like to work in after my apprenticeship. Another positive aspect is that, in addition to the mandatory departments that are part of the training programme, I can also choose other areas that are of interest to me. I therefore decided in favour of the IT department, as this is not part of my apprenticeship.

What do you plan to do after your apprenticeship?

My goal after successfully completing my training is to get a fulltime job in a department at Midas. The chances of being taken on are good and so far, all trainees have stayed with Midas, so I am confident that I will also be taken on.

Current job offers

You would like to enhance your professional development and are looking for an occupation with the freedom to create? Team spirit is essential for you and you strive to think one step ahead? Then we should get to know each other.

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 Midas Pharma GmbH

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