Applicant FAQ

Midas Pharma answers questions frequently asked by applicants. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Is it possible to submit an unsolicited application? Which academic disciplines are particularly relevant to Midas?

    Yes, unsolicited applications can be submitted to at any time. 

    Even if there is no suitable vacancy to be filled at the time, the application can be included in the talent pool and thus considered later.

    Of particular interest are scientific disciplines, such as pharmacy, biotechnology, chemistry, etc.  
    At the same time, commercial profiles are also interesting as well as we are open to career changers. 

  • What documents should I attach to my application?

    The CV is a must-have. 

    A letter of motivation is always welcome, as this often gives us a better insight. If available, please include relevant references and certificates. Also interesting for us: salary requirements and availability/termination period. 

    IMPORTANT: All attachments as PDF! 

  • Can I apply for an internship or a student job at Midas or write my thesis with Midas?

    Yes, we have very good experience with interns, working students, etc. and appreciate the synergies that result. 

    Final theses have also been supervised by us and written at our company. Since we do not have any fixed bachelor/master positions, it is important that you have already thought about a topic or direction and that it is also relevant or of interest to Midas. 

  • How quickly may I receive feedback from you regarding the status of my application?

    This depends very much on the progress of the process and is therefore difficult to answer. 

    You should always receive a confirmation of receipt within 1-2 days, otherwise the application may not have arrived. In this case, we are very happy about a second attempt.

  • How does the selection process work?

    The applications are first screened and compared with the requirements listed in the job offer. The profiles with the best match are then invited to an initial interview. This takes place either via an online meeting or in person. During this initial interview, your professional qualifications will be questioned once again. We also want to get to know you personally to see if everything fits, which is very important to us at Midas. If everything goes well, you are shortlisted and invited to a second interview, in which we go into more detail about getting to know you personally and clarify any questions from the initial interview. In most cases, we are ready to make a decision after the second interview. 

  • I’ve never had anything to do with pharmaceuticals. Can I still apply to Midas?

    Yes, absolutely! Career changers and newcomers are welcome to join us and will be taught the necessary tools to understand the world of the pharmaceutical industry. 

Current job offers

You would like to enhance your professional development and are looking for an occupation with the freedom to create? Team spirit is essential for you and you strive to think one step ahead? Then we should get to know each other.

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Your Contact

Paula Struth

Paula Struth

Human Resources
Head of Recruiting

Midas Pharma GmbH
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim
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